Memorial Day & our Anniversary…today we remember


Today being Memorial Day, we remember.  We remember all of the men and women who selflessly laid down their lives so that we could live our lives in freedom.  Truly, they are an incredible example of No Small Life.   We are forever grateful for their sacrifice.

Today I’m also reflective of a rainy Memorial Day Weekend 14  years ago, when I walked down the aisle towards my future; the 14 years ago I became a Mrs.  That’s right, our marriage is a teenager!  It threatened to go all rebellious on us, but no fear, we reigned it in.  Juuust kidding.  😉 We’ve walked through so much together in our time as man and wife.  Life has a way of not going quite as you usually plan, but you know what, I wouldn’t change a thing.  Marriage is an incredible gift when you honor it AND each other as…

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