10 Little Ways to make the most of Leap Day

Simple Ways to Celebrate Leap Day


Every 4 years we’re gifted with an extra 24 hours. Which means the average person will get approximately 20 extra days in their lifetime. Extra. Days. Now granted, most of us will still have to work or go to school (Except for Leap Day 2020 when its on a SATURDAY, so harness your enthusiasm for that!)



BUT we still have an extra 24 hours added to our year. And even though it’s a Monday (groan) and even though you still have life scheduled (adulting), what if you paused, just for a moment, and made this year Feb 29th, significant.



Allow  your inner 8 year old to poke their head through, what would they want you to do within this extra 24 hour period? Ok, so SOME of our inner 8 year olds would want to eat Easy Mac and spend the day beating Mario Cart, BUT in their heart of hearts, in that dreamer part of them, what would they tell you to do?



Would they want you to pick up that guitar you’re longing to learn how to play? Maybe they’d nudge you to make a phone call and finally schedule that lunch date with a friend? Maybe they would just say to you, “Hey adult self, you got really serious, please go watch Cat Video’s on Youtube pronto.” 8 year old you may also give you permission to play a little more, to take advantage of that foot of snow sitting on your front lawn and make a snow man because it’s good for your soul. SO, to throw your inner 8 year old No Small Lives a bone, I’ve come up with a few simple ways to help you make the most of Leap Year. I hope they help you pause and take full advantage of your one precious life.


1. Review your New Years goals. Give yourself grace and get back on the bandwagon, you’re still that person.


when to review your New Years Goals


2.  Show love to a stranger. We’re so focused on our own little worlds sometimes, what could you do today, that would bless someone you’ll only have a brief encounter with?


How to show kindness to a stranger


3. Bring something in for your co-workers. Grab a fruit tray, bring everyone a pack of gum, send out a nice email telling everyone how much they rock. The sky’s the limit, just show them a little kindness, they deal with you on Mondays after all.



How to show love to your co-workers


4. Start committing one scripture to memory. Write it out, type it out, screen shot it, post it on your bathroom mirror, whatever works for you-just keep it in front of you. If you begin quoting that over your day, your life your family, the impact will be far more lasting than just a single day.


how to memorize scripture


5. Make a “just because” phone call to a family member or friend. Let them know you’re thinking of them.




6. Do something special for your immediate family. Tuck a note in a lunch box, make a special dinner, buy a new board game. One small gesture can speak volumes of love.




7. Bring your spouse a cup of coffee made just the way they like it.


How to show love to your spouse


8. Play in the snow. Yes it’s cold. Yes it’s messy and yes, you are now the one who has to clean up all the slushiness that will inevitably be dragged into your house. BUT, when you were 8 you really didn’t care about those things, you just enjoyed it.


Snow was a blank canvas for your imagination. But if you’re SUPER opposed, here’s a fun idea: Go put a smiley face on someone’s car…just make sure they don’t have an alarm first. 😉


snow day ideas


9. Try to list 29 things you’re thankful for. Once you get rolling it won’t take you that long. Here’s a printable to get you started


FREE Printable Thankfulness List


10. Give yourself 5 extra minutes with the Lord. Put on your favorite worship song, praise Him for gifting you this day, and see if He has anything extra He’d like to add to your agenda.




There you have it friends, just a few simple ideas for you to Make the Most of Leap Day.  I could go on and on but hopefully this list will springboard your imagination.  Don’t let this day be categorized alongside all the others.  It’s a gift if you’ll view it as such.

I’d love to hear what, in your heart of hearts, you would do with an extra 24 hours…


Until next time,



  1. elizabeth959803 says:

    I was JUST thinking this morning that I should “do something” for/about Leap Day. And then I show up to #FridayFrivolity, and there’s your post! Love this list. What an adorable gratitude printable! But #10 is my favorite. 🙂


  2. This is such a great list of ways to enjoy our extra day. I love this so much! I’ll have to remember to unleash my inner 8 year old more often. Sharing. 🙂


  3. #10 is my favorite!! 🙂


  4. These are such fun ideas! I’ll have to remember them for 2020 😉 Thanks for linking up with Merry Monday!


  5. so many great ideas! I just ate a nice meal with my boyfriend and went to bed early. I was so tired from work. Normally, I would try to push and work out anyway, but I was kinder to myself.


  6. This is a great idea! I am pretty excited about that extra day in 2020! I am committing myself right now to a Saturday of total freedom from adulting 🙂 Thanks for sharing at the Wednesday Showcase party.


  7. Boooo I’m so late responding, but this was a wonderful post!! Love the sense of humor, and love the ideas. 🙂 Thank you for sharing at #FridayFrivolity!! Pinning and tweeting…


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